Wideband RTTY Interface

Please familiarize yourself with the Basic RTTY Interface and the Dual RTTY Interface of cocoaModem before reading the rest of this section.

As with the Dual RTTY interface, the Wideband RTTY interface provides two separate receivers. In addition, the Wideband RTTY interface allows you to instantaneously change the tone air by clicking on the waterfall display that comes with each of the Wideband RTTY receivers.

To take full advantage of the Wideband RTTY interface, the entire receiving chain must have very good dynamic range. This includes the dynamic range of the RF front end of the transceiver, the audio chain and the A/D converter that connects the transceiver to the computer.

When the I.F. passband of your receiving chain is opened to 2.4 kHz, there could be multiple RTTY signals in the passband. Unless your receiving chain has enough dynamic range to handle the difference between the strongest and the weakest signals in the passband, and specifically the IMD from more than one strong signal in the same passband, you may not be able to copy the weak signals in the presence of the strong ones.

With multiple signals in the passband, it is very important that the A/D converter never clips. Never allow the input signal indicator to enter the yellow and red regions.

You can of course still use a narrow I.F. filter. When you do that, the waterfall will be dark outside of the I.F. passband of the transceiver.

You will also need a relatively fast computer to run the full Wideband RTTY interface. Between the two sets of waterfall displays and cross ellipse indicators, the Wideband RTTY interface is also very CPU intensive on slower machines -- when both receivers in the interface are active, cocoaModem will use over 40% of a 400 MHz G4

Fig 11 shows the Wideband RTTY interface.

Figure 11 - Wideband RTTY Interface

Wideband RTTY Receiver Section

Like the Dual RTTY Interface, there are two separate and independent receivers in the Wideband RTTY Interface, given the names Main Receiver and Sub Receiver.

Again, like the Dual RTTY interface, the Wideband RTTY interface’s Config panel also has three sections, one for each receiver section and one for the single transmitter section. Each receiver has its own input device -- you can select the same A/D converter for both receivers or select different stereo channels of the same converter for each of the receivers, or two completely different A/D converters for the receivers.

Like the Dual RTTY interface, each receiver in the Wideband RTTY interface has its own RTTY tone pair. Unlike the Dual RTTY interface however, the choice of the tone pairs need not come only from the tone pair memory (see Figure 6 of the Basic RTTY Interface), but you can also click on the waterfall to instantaneously move the tone pair.

Being able to tune to a signal by clicking on the waterfall is what makes the Wideband RTTY interface different from the Dual RTTY interface. You can also fine tune the tone pair by using the mouse scroll wheel (described below).

With the Dual RTTY interface, the tone pairs are fixed and you tune a signal by using the VFO knob of the transceiver. With the Wideband RTTY interface, you can still tune using the VFO knob. However, it is often easier to just move a signal into the waterfall and then click on its mark tone.

Note that there is no AFC when you click on the waterfall. You will find that you only need to get within 5 or 10 Hz to get close to ideal print and it is very easy to click to within that accuracy.

Clicking on a location in the waterfall will move the mark tone to that frequency. The space tone will be separated from the mark tone by the amount of RTTY shift that is selected in the current tone pair memory.

Figure 12 shows one of the receivers in greater detail.

Figure 12 - Wideband RTTY Receiver

Starting at the top of Figure 12, we see a 2.2 kHz wide waterfall display. Unlike the Dual RTTY Interface, where the spectrum display is shared between the Main and sub receivers, with a popup menu to select between them, each receiver of the Wideband RTTY interface has its own waterfall display.

The popup menu to the right of the waterfall selects the dynamic range of the waterfall.

The left button (NR) below the dynamic range popup menu is used to engage waterfall noise reduction. To its right is a button to select the width of the waterfall. With the button in the 2 kHz position, the width of the waterfall is about 2.2 kHz and with the 4 kHz position, the width of the waterfall is about 4.4 kHz.

Please note that most traditional transceivers do not have the capability to transmit outside a 2.4 kHz bandpass. The wider waterfall meant for use by software defined radios.

The restore button that is below the noise reduction and waterfall width buttons is used to reset the tone pair to the pair that is selected in the current tone pair memory.

Wideband RTTY Waterfall

The waterfall shows a segment of the RF spectrum, lower frequencies to the left and higher frequencies to the left. Because of this, audio (AFSK) tones will be lower pitched towards the left of the waterfall if you have configured the receiver for Upper Sideband (USB) and the audio tones will be lower pitched towards the right of the waterfall if you have configured the receiver for Lower Sideband (LSB).

As a result, the right tone of the tone pair of an RTTY signal in this waterfall is always the mark tone, whether you are using USB or LSB. Simply make sure that the Wideband receivers have the correct sideband and VFO offset correcty set to use this feature. Remember that there are two configurations in the configuration panel, one for the Main and one for the sub receivers -- they are independent so you have to select the proper sidebands for each separately. Once you have set cocoaModem to match your physical transceiver, all you need to remember is the left side of the waterfall is a lower frequency in the RF spectrum and the right side is the higher frequency on the RF spectrum. By convention, the mark carrier is the higher frequency of the two FSK carriers on the RF spectrum.

Once set up this way, the scale below the waterfall shows the offset of the RTTY signal from the dial of your transceiver. The main and sub wideband receivers can have different offsets, and can have different SSB sidebands.

When the sideband and VFO offsets are properly set, you can spot an RTTY signal by noting where the mark (the right marker of the tone pair) is on the waterfall scale and apply that offset to what you read on your transceiver’s VFO.

Click Buffer

The Wideband RTTY interfaces maintains a constant 20 seconds (approx.) worth of audio buffering. When audio samples are received from the sound device, they are copied into this ring buffer (which behaves like a "tape loop" on old fashioned tape recorders). At any point in time, there is always 20 seconds of "history" that is buffered.

When the waterfall is clicked, the horizontal position of the click is translated into a frequency offset to use as the mark frequency for filtering and demodulation. The vertical position of the click is captured as a time parameter. This parameter is then translated into a position in the audio ring buffer. Instead of feeding the current input audio samples to the demodulator, the audio samples from the buffer is played back at up to eight times normal speed until it finally catches up with real time data.

If you click at the bottom part of the waterfall, you will start demodulating the most recently received stream. If you click towards the top of the waterfall, as long as you have not moved the VFO dial on your radio in the meantime, you will be demodulating a signal that first appeared about 20 seconds ago. If you click halfway up the waterfall, the demodulating will start from about 10 seconds ago.

In effect, what results is a true WYSIWYG waterfall clicking. Demodulation will start from the place that you have clicked in the waterfall even if the signal has stopped transmitting by the time you'd clicked on the waterfall trace.

Wideband RTTY Tuning and Fine Tuning

When receiving RTTY, cocoaModem places an appropriate bandpass filter ahead of the demodulator. The bandwidth of the filter depends on the shift and baud rate that is selected, and the filter cutoffs are created so that the mark and space tones are centered on this filter. The bandpassed signal is next sent through two complex (in-phase and quadrature components) mixers that are centered on the mark and space tones. The output of these filters are passed to a matched filter which are matched to the pulse width of a single data bit.

When transmitting RTTY, cocoaModem uses a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO, the digital version of an analog voltage controlled oscillator) as a phase continuous AFSK generator. The phase change at each sample time determines the frequency of the NCO. The output of the NCO is then passed through a bandpass filter before reaching the output sound device.

cocoaModem places the space tone lower than the mark tone on the RF spectrum, with the RTTY shift as the separation. The sideband (LSB or USB) and the Rx Polarity button states determine if the two tones swap places for the receiver. The sideband and the Tx Polarity button states determine if the two tones swap places for the transmitter.

When you click on the waterfall, the updated mark and space tones are sent to the receiver and transmitter to recompute the neccessary filters in real time.

In addition to being able to click on the waterfall, you can also fine tune the tone pair position by using the scroll wheel of a mouse. To fine tune, first make sure that the cocoaModem window is the active window on your desktop. Then place the cursor inside one of the waterfalls. Do not click on the mouse since that will move the tone pair to where the cursor is. The tone pairs will move (in 2 Hz steps per scroll wheel indentation) as you scroll the mouse wheel.

Each step in the scroll wheel will cause all the RTTY filters to be recomputed. You will need a moderately fast Macintosh to be able to fine tune smoothly.

The default or “rest” location of the tone pairs is where the tone pair memory is selected to. There is a Restore button at the right of the waterfall. When you click on this button, the tone pair for the waterfall will move back to this rest position.

Wideband RTTY RIT

When you click on the waterfall, both transmit and receive tone pairs are set to the click location; you will see a pair of green lines indicating where the receiver and transmitter are tuned to. You can move the receive tones away from the the transmit tone by holding down the Control key when you click (or click on the waterfall using the right mouse button).

When the transmit and receive tones are different, the transmit tone markers remain as green lines, but the receive tone pair will show up as magenta lines.

Just as you can use the mouse scroll wheel to apply fine tuning, you can also tune the RIT by holding down the Control key as you scroll the mouse wheel.

The Restore button will not only move the tone pair to the rest position, but it will also zero out the RIT.

[ Note: in the future, I will be adding a macro that allows you to zero out the Wideband RTTY RIT without moving the transmit tone pair.]

One example for using RIT is when you are CQ’ing in a contest. The best way to do this is to first click on Restore and then tune the transceiver ‘s VFO knob so that the tone pair appears at an unused part of the band. If a station answers you off frequency, you can control click to him. When you are done with the QSO, hit the restore button and you are back to listening on your transmit frequency.

Wideband RTTY Receiver Section

The receiver section that is below the waterfall display is the familiar receiver section that is found in the Dual RTTY receiver. The different components of this interface has already been described in the Dual RTTY Receiver Section.

You may notice that the crossed ellipse indicators have narrower filters (thinner ellipses) than the crossed ellipse display in other RTTY interfaces. The bandwidth of a crossed ellipse is a compromise between tuning accuracy and being able to judge whether an off-tuned is higher or lower in frequency. With the waterfall display available at all times, off-tuned signals is not a problem since they can be spotted on the waterfall, and the crossed ellipse bandwidth can be narrowed down to get more accurate tuning.

Wideband RTTY Transmitter Section

This interface is similar to the interface for the transmitter section of the Dual RTTY receiver that was described in Dual RTTY Transmitter Section.

Like the Dual RTTY Interface, the two receiver sections will swap positions as you switch between the Main and the Sub receiver to use as the transmit tone pairs. When you select Main Tx Select (see Figure 13 below) the Main Receiver section will move just above the transmit section. When you select Sub Tx Select, the sub receiver will move directly above the transmit section.

You will need to exercise additional care when transmitting in the Wideband RTTY mode.

As you click on different tones to transmit, monitor the power level and ALC on your transceiver to make sure that it does not change. With many transceivers, the AF gain is not flat through the audio spectrum. cocoaModem includes a simple audio equalizer in the Transmit Config panel so the audio output level can be "flattened" across the AF spectrum.

You have the option to lock the transmit tones to the tones that are defined in the Aux panel (see the buttons at the bottom left corner of Figure 13 below).

Wideband RTTY Transmit
Figure 13 - Wideband RTTY Transmitter

When the transmitter is locked, the receiver can be tune by clicking on the waterall (no option or control button modifier required). The transmit tone pair will be locked in place and indicated with a green pair of lines in the waterfall, and if the receive tone pair is displaced, from it, it will be indicated by a pair of magenta line. You can still apply RIT to the receive tone pair by using the mouse scroll wheel.

This function can be useful when you are operating in CQ mode in a contest or when operating as net control in an RTTY net. In either case, you can zero beat quickly to a signal that is off frequency by clicking on it, and yet maintain your transmit frequency. The "Restore" button will force the receive tone pair to be the same as the transmit tone pair.

Back to the Main RTTY page.