NetworkInterfaces Class Reference


The NetworkInterfaces object collects all the network interfaces that the computer is connected to. NetworkInterfaces is used by MeticDiscovery. There should be no reason to directly access this class unless you need to use it for enumerate networks on the computer and find which MAC address and IP address (if any) are used by the computer to access each network.


Enumerating Networks

- networks

Finding a specific network

- interfaceWithName:

Instance Methods


The NetworkInterface object that is associated with a network name, e.g., "en0" or "fw0."

- (NetworkInterface*)interfaceWithName:(char*)name


name of a network interface.

Return Value

The NetworkInterface object that has the network interface name, or nil if there is not network by that name.


The NetworkInterfaces object collects all networks that the computer is connected to. -networks returns .

- (NSArray*)networks

Return Value

An array of NetworkInterface objects.