AFManager Class Reference


Audio Library is a Cocoa interface to Core Audio.

AFSoundcard is the primary object that represents a particular device ("sound card") in Core Audio. The simplest way to create AFSoundcard objects is to go through the AFManager, which creates the other objects that are needed by the AFSoundcard so you would not have to.

If you let the
Audio Library manage your NSPopUpMenus and NSSliders, you should only need to interface with the AFManager and AFSoundcard classes of the Audio Library.


Obtaining AFSoundCard objects

- newInputSoundcard
- newOutputSoundcard

Instance Methods


Obtain an initialized input AFSoundcard object from the receiver. Ownership of the new object passes to the caller and the caller is responsible for releasing the object when it is no longer in use.

- (AFSoundcard*)newInputSoundcard

Return Value

An initialized input AFSoundcard object.


Obtain an initialized output AFSoundcard object from the receiver. Ownership of the new object passes to the caller and the caller is responsible for releasing the object when it is no longer in use.

- (AFSoundcard*)newOutputSoundcard

Return Value

An initialized output AFSoundcard object.