New in cocoaModem 2.0 v0.30
Chen, W7AY [w7ay (at) arrl.net]
Last updated: January 12, 2007
Click here
for the previous (v0.29) What’s New page.
What has changed in v0.30 ?
This version of cocoaModem has a new CW Interface.
The AudioInterface and CoreFilter frameworks and the AppleScript interface have been updated to add functionalities needed by the CW Interface.
The Contest Menu now includes an "ignore newline" option for received text.
Enabled the Hellschreiber waterfall's dynamic range menu which was left disconnected in an earlier release.
CW Interface
cocoaModem now has a Wideband CW interface.
The new interface allows you to click to a signal for
instantaneous tuning to a CW signal that is within a
waterfall's passband, and either listen to it at a
selectable pitch on a pair of headphones, or if the signal
has moderately good signal-to-noise ratio and well keyed,
have it printed by a Morse decoder.
For transmission, an audio tone keyed signal is used to
transmit a CW signal at the same pitch offset as the
received signal to an SSB transmitter. Because of the speed
requirements, you will need to use a non VOX-driven PTT to
be able to transmit through the CW interface.
In addition to the usual AppleScripts to select the
interface and to transmit and receive data streams, the
AppleScript interface is expanded to include a "breakin"
parameter for the CW interface.
Please read the manual before attempting to use the CW
Interface since there are additional configurations that
are not in the other interfaces.
Ignore Newline menu in the Contest Interface
An Ignore Newline menu is added to the contest
interface. If the menu item is selected, received newlines
(linefeeds) will be converted to " - " (space, dash,
space). This will reduce the jumping of the exchange view
and should make call sign capture in a contest easier to
The Ignore Menu item is not "sticky." You'll need to set it
each time you relaunch cocoaModem and wish to ignore
Hellschreiber waterfall Dynamic Range bug
The dynamic range popup menu of the Hellschreiber waterfall
was left unconnected. Fixed in this release.
Changes were made to the AudioInterface and Corefilter
frameworks to support CW.