Version History for cocoaModem 2.0

0.32 (Feb 21, 2007)
MFSK16 Interface
Tossed ESC character in TextViews
CMVaricode (CoreModem) modified to take MFSK Varicode

0.31 (Jan 22, 2007)
Synch AM Reception
Turn CW Monitor channel sampling off when CW is not the selected interface.
Cut number macros (%o and %N).

0.30 (Jan 12, 2007)
Wideband CW Interface
Added no-newline option to Contest menu.
Added Hellschriber to Contest Interface.
Activated right output audio channel (AudioInterface)
CMUpdateFIRBandpassFilter (CoreFilter)
Waterfall dynamic range fixed for Hellscreiber.

0.29 (Nov 30, 2006)
Turn off sampling if config window is closed and modem is not active.
Added equalizer to PSK, wideband RTTY and Hellschreiber.
fprintf %@ no longer works with NSString

0.28 (July 2, 2006)
MLDX PTT was left out.

0.27 (July 1, 2006)
Click (history) buffer for wideband RTTY and PSK modes.
PTT selection per interface basis.
Added Router PTT connection.
Upper ASCII characters in PSK.
Watchdog timer preference.
Convert pasteboard to plain text when pasting into the transmit view.
Added threads to buffer each of the CoreAudio inputs (AudioInterface).
Reconnected RTTY and SITOR-B Bell (CoreModem).
Added shift click to turn off Hellschreiber receiver.
Disconnect audio devices when sleep notification received.
Make cocoaPTT quit when cocoaModem quits.
HF-FAX memory release.
Handle audio device wakeup on powered down USB hubs.

0.26 (Apr 27, 2006)
FM Hell 105
Bit aligned font for FM Hell 105
Refreshes Hellschriber NSView only in the neighborhood of the most recent glyph column.
Cross-correlate data to reduce false positives in HF-FAX start/stop signals and fixed bug with hsync.
Lower HF-FAX screen update priority.
Fixed AppleScript transmit buffer readback.
Added wideband RTTY to AppleScript.
Added RTTY invert to AppleScript.
Added wideband RTTY Tx locks.

0.25 (Apr 2, 2006)
Fix FAX Save bug (data release)
Various AutoRelease bugs.
Implemented FM Hell
Added KC4FOX's double wide font
Implemented flush for Hellschreiber
Added direct AppleScripts for MacLoggerDX

0.23 (Mar 5, 2006)
Implemented HF FAX.
Fixed Hellschreiber font endian bug for Intel.
Change buffering scheme in Hellschreiber, now has 8000 character buffer.
Fixed B Receiver (USOS) prefs.
Added preference to SITOR-B to print '_' for an error character.
Cmd-I keyboard shortcut to toggle between interactive and contest interfaces.

0.22 (Mar 4, 2006)
Defaulted empty modem enable string to @"1111111"

0.21 (Feb 14, 2006)
Universal Binary.
Fixed Intel endian for colors and AIFF (AudioInterface)
NetAudio implementation (AudioInterface).
Slash-zero checkbox needed relaunch for DualRTTY and WidebandRTTY to take hold.
Refresh contest macro buttons when changing interfaces.
Allow tooltips to be removed from all interfaces.
PSK mode menu (BPSK63, etc) was left unconnected.

0.20 (Feb 5, 2006)
Implemented SITOR-B
Expose Baudot decoder in CoreModem to subclass Moore decoder (CoreModem).
Added delay line to CoreFilter (CoreFilter).
Don't override RTTY squelch in Plist (CoreModem)
Fixed bug in contest call sign hash.
BARTG HF and time macros.

0.19 (Feb 2, 2006)
Fixed forced-LTRS bug with floating tone pair.
Increased Hellschreiber buffer size.
Added AppleScripts for Hellschreiber.

0.18 (Jan 23, 2006)
Implemented Hellschreiber.
Fixed stop bits bug in simple RTTY (always selecting 1 stop bit).
Bumped Plist version to 3 to auto-fix stop bit bug.
Wired PSK squelch controls to Plist.
Aliased "Internal speakers" and "Headphones" for Built-in sound output.
Added clear button in contest interface (in addition to %U).

0.17 (Jan 4, 2006)
Fixed USOS bug (coreModem)
Force LTRS shift whenever RTTY polarity changes (coreModem)
Improved IMD estimation (coreModem)
Reconnect PSK AFC (was left disconnected in coreModem) and added into PSK Prefs
Added simple PSK Squelch
New Wideband RTTY interface.
Changed RTTY interfaces to Mark/Shift/Baud instead of Mark/Space/Baud.
Added A/B buttons to Dual and Wideband contest interfaces.
Added %p contest macro. %p = %n if callsign field is not empty, %n-1 otherwise.
Protect slow machine from capturing empty contest callsigns.
Allow dupes to be worked and logged.
Show dupe info in contest log.
Create new journal when contest log is edited before any new QSO made.
Added dynamic range control to waterfall in wideband RTTY.
Scroll wheel tuning.
Fixed Crossed Ellipse bandwidth for very narrow shifts.
Narrow ellipse bandwidth for wideband RTTY.

0.16 (Dec 28 2005)
preference to use control instead of option key in PSK

0.15 (Dec 27 2005)
band menu AppleScript

0.14 (Dec 26 2005)
Moved Normal/Reverse toggles to the main DualRTTY window.
Corrected slight y-offset in Crossed Ellipse.

0.13 (Dec 25 2005)
Click buffer for PSK (CoreModem framework).

0.12 (Dec 24 2005)
Reconnect transmit and receive menus.
Applied 0.5*log(slider) + 1.0 to output level control (AudioInterface framework).

0.11 (Dec 23 2005)
Area mults for Roundup turn green when all states in the area worked.
Added more dynamic range menu items for Dual RTTY Spectrum.
Added waterfall to Dual RTTY.
Import old preferences.

0.10 (Nov 2005)
Major reorganization of cocoaModem into cocoaModem 2.0
Change source code copyright to Creative Commons
Added baud rate choice in RTTY modems.
Config button moved to Window menu of menu bar.
Dual RTTY uses tabbed views in Config panel to config each of the two independent modems.
10msec pause between AudioSetProperty and AudioGetProperty (fast machine, slow device)
Ignore duplicate audio device names from DigiDesign's version of CoreAudio.
Connect log button to an AppleScript file.
Save QSO Interface state in preference.
Added lots of AppleScript support.
FSK dots removed from Crossed ellipse of Dual RTTY.
Diagnostic window moved to Window Menu.
Added a mult window for RTTY Roundup.

Version History for cocoaModem (1.0)

1.15 (17-Jul-2005)
updateSourcesMenu was always selecting item 0.
AppleScript aware, with interface to QSO info and PSK frequencies.

1.14 (7-May-2005)
Override contextual menu in Tiger's TextViews.

1.13 (7-May-2005)
Conflict between Analyze and RTTY causing crashes when plist file is not present.
Warn when display is set to thousands of colors.

1.12 (1-May-2005)
Analyze mode
Added 4.0 sec spectrum averaging to Dual RTTY.
Changed PSK waterfall range from 20/40/60/80 dB to 40/50/60/70 dB.
Refresh VUMeter segments for Tiger.

1.11 (21-Feb-05)
QPSK implementation.
Select text view when %[tx] macro seen in PSK.
Use Dual RTTY functions instead of RTTY functions when %[tx] macro accessed by Dual RTTY.

1.10 (15-Feb-05)
Disable sub receiver when transmitting in Dual RTTY.
Fixed color bug in Dual RTTY
Set mark and space frequencies when RTTY mixer is created.
Select sideband when ATC is created.
Connect receive views of Dual RTTY to allow callsign and name selection.
Connect Dual RTTY to contest interface.

1.09 (10-Feb-05)
Set default colors from constants instead of Nib.
Separate colors for Dual RTTY receivers.
Fixed plist Dual RTTY Sub receiver overlap with old Dual RTTY blue channel (crashing bug).
Link Dual RTTY macros to RTTY macros.

1.08 (09-Feb-05)
Connect Cmd-R, Cmd-T and Cmd-X to the Dual RTTY.
Fixed color wells for ver 2 of Plist.
Connect sideband menu for Dual RTTY Sub receiver Config.

1.07 (7-Feb-05)
Allow selection of left/right stereo pair.
Fixed missing plist sideband initialization.
Implemented Dual RTTY Mode.

1.06 (9-Jan-05)
Convert slashed zero when transferring from receive view.
%X for dxExchange
Created Cabrillo for BARTG Sprint and WPX RTTY.
Template for XE RTTY.
Use previous call and exchange if contest interface fields are empty.
Save repeat macro index to plist.
Recreate entire journal when contest log, macros or info changed.
Consolidated restore and resume into a single Resume menu item.
Update band menu from resumed log.
Cmd-U to clear Contest QSO fields.

1.05 (1-Jan-05)
Lock resumes during an active session.
Initialize outputChannel in ModemDest.
Roundup template always sent state in S&P mode -- changed to %x.
Templates for BARTG Sprint, WPX and RST-Number.

1.04 (29-Dec-04)
Consolidated Panther/Jaguar versions.
Deferred stopping output stream.
Keyboard shortcut was not selecting contest macros when in contest mode.
Omit NIL callsigns from Cabrillo output.

1.03 (27-Dec-04)
Changed PSK fine tuning to using Command-arrow keys.
Contest Log using NSTableView.

1.02 (18-Dec-04)
Log contest QSO even if duped.
Fixed device/stream bug.
Clear text selection after setting a QSO field.
Reassigned coreAudio runloop to terminating thread.
Wait for pause in device callbacks before exiting (superseded in 1.02)

1.00 (17-Dec-04)
Restore sound devices on quit.
Fixed PSK contest callsign bug.

0.99 (13-Dec-04)
Log PSK as PK internally, but still reporting RY to Cabrillo.
Convert QSO callsigns to uppercase, also remap phi.
Disable diagnostic textview.

0.98 (11-Nov-04)
Set stream rate on audio device.
Implemented backspace-free insertCompletion (option-escape) in SendView.
Check if audio device tables are empty.
Contest mode!
Set sampling rate of VOX input devices to non-zero.

0.97 (10-Nov-04)
Implemented BPSK63.

0.96 (7-Nov-04)
Reconnect Window menu items.
Fix flush/receive to include squelch tail for PSK.
Turn on delegate for clicks in xcvr2.

0.95 (5-Nov-04)
Contest Info macros in User Info panel
Updated PSK user interface.
Initialized xcvr1 and xcvr2's text colors.
Enable control click on lower case callsigns.
PSK test tone frequency.
Allow lower cased callsign capture in PSK.
Allow callsign capture in PSK xcvr2 window.
QSO Info fields.

0.94 (30-Oct-04)
Fix bug with PSK Tx2 text ending up in Rx1 window.

Clear PSK indicators when clicked from waterfall.
Select which PSK receiver to transmit on.

Changed PSK rcvr turn off to shift-click.

Defer leaving transmit mode until buffer is empty (added yellow indicator)
Implemented IMD measurement
Fixed font panel bug introduced by 0.88

Relinked macro edit button (became unlinked with introduction of contest panel).

Fixed slashed zero bug in receive textview.

Lock textview attributes (was causing freezes in textview).

0.87 (5-Sep-04)
Save squelch in Pref file.
Initial BPSK31 printing.
Use NSLock instead of a flag to check if polling is busy in AYTextView.
Use NSLock for insertion into the ring buffer in AYTextView.
Placed textStorage changes inside lockFocus in ExchangeView.

0.86 (30-Aug-04)
Grayscale crossed ellipse.
Started PSKReceiver.
Two stage AFC, initially with FFT and finally with derivative of phase.

0.85 (29-Aug-04)
Increased input range.
Fixed decimation gain.

0.84 (23-Aug-04)
Added pad field to input device configs.
Loop sound file on EOF in addition to byte count.

0.82 (22-Aug-04)
Fixed lowpass kernel bug introduced in 0.81.

0.81 (15-Aug-04)
Fixed missing polarity setting when RTTY LSB/USB changed.
Symmetricize even ordered FIR filters.
Increased AGC range for crossed ellipse.
Reset text color after textview is cleared.
Fixed output initialization bug (was neglecting to set output parameters).

0.79 (14-Aug-04)
Fixed 2 channel/11025 output bug.

0.78 (8-Aug-04)
Added kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeScalar before each kAudioDevicePropertyVolumeDecibels to unmute audio.
Implement FSK mark/space memory.
Implement arbitrary mark/space frequencies for modulation and demodulation.

0.77 (1-Aug-04)
Implement multiple audio output device access to handle multiple modes.
Flush RTTY transmit buffer when test tone is switched off.
Support thousands of colors display mode.

0.76 (27-Jul-04)
Started PSK implementation (July 27, 2004).
Fixed RTTY noise threshold bug (was scanning beyond stop bit)

0.75 (21-Jul-04)
Matched filter for start bit transition.
Fixed callsign string when at the end of text in receiveView.
Use -setDocumentCursor to set receiveView and transmitView's scrollview cursor.
Fix delete bug in receive textView
(textView is set to not editable -- traps delete character and replaces selection with empty string).

0.73 (15-Jul-04)
Fixed autoscroll bug (was only advancing one character when string is longer).
First implementation of multi-ATC and squelch control.
Removed contextual menus for textviews.
Swap from cocoa default to arrow cursor whenever mouse moves into receiveView or transmitView.
Control click (and right mouse click) callsign directly into QSO Panel.
Removed all setHidden calls for Jaguar.
Re-set sampling rate in audio utils (Jaguar/Rev3 iMic)

0.71 (14-Jul-04)
Trapped local NSBeep().
Error dumps during config.
Robust LTRS/FIGS mode.
Force LTRS out with space on USOS.
Implemented LSB/USB selection.

0.67 (11-Jul-04)
Fixed sampling rates for some devices (Transit) was only checking one item in the menu.
Use dB range for input attenuator calls to CoreAudio.
Macro import and export.
Transmit bandpass filter.
Plot colors in RTTY Config to change the green plots.
Fixed slash 0 bug.
Set input gain of input device after it has been selected by plist file.

0.65 (8-Jul-04)
QSO panel, single click in receiveView to select callsign,
Ctrl-C to take selection to QSO panel.

0.64 (7-Jul-04)
Option and option-shift message sheets.
Fix 0 bug (unicode phi in transmit buffer was being sent out as an ascii X).
Added cmd-T (immediate transmit) and cmd-R (deferred receive) to the T/R menu.
Cmd-X to flush and enter receive.
Scroll to end of long macros.
Clear FSK Indicator on transmit.
Added two tone generator.

0.62 (6-Jul-04)
Implemented 44100 samples/sec decimation.
Implemented RTTY stop bit selection and prefs.
Implemented [tx] macro balancing.
Fixed test tone bug, was not flushing bit buffer.

0.60 (5-Jul-04)
Added spectrum tuning indicator.
Allow cut and paste in transmitView.
Allow cut in receive view.
Removed insertion point in receive view.
Change VU meter from 7 to 9 elements.
Flush was not flushing [tx] macro count. Fixed.

0.57 (4-Jul-04)
Hardware macros. Macro Dictionary Panel.
To allow Dictionary to open, Message sheet is no longer Modal.

0.56 (3-Jul-04)
Messages, macros and brag tape.
Use NSTextView delegates to insert text into RTTY buffer.
Flush button to terminate transmit streams.

0.54 (2-Jul-04)
VU meter and input attenuator.
Polled AYTextView so append is only done from the main thread.
Change AYTextView color switching scheme. Transmitted text now has a different color.
Changed UserInfo and Cabrillo info from Panels into to sheets.

0.50 (1-Jul-04)
Implemented Transmit and Test Tone timeouts.

0.49 (30-Jun-04)
Transmission from transmitView working.
Baudot Test tone and output attenuator working.

0.47 (27-Jun-04)
Created NCO and output test tone.
Ignore multiple CR sequences. Centers splash screen.
Use option-O for zeros.
Force redisplay if line is long.

0.39 (23-Jun-04)
Fixed error in ATC algorithm

0.38 (21-Jun-04)
Multipath/normal modes

0.35 (20-Jun-04)
Added Baudot waveform to RTTY Monitor

0.33 (18-Jun-04)
Mute BELL preference

0.31 (17-Jun-04)
RTTY Printing
Background and text colors and font are set from Pref panel

0.20 (5-Jun-04)
FIR filter
Modem class
AIFF and WAV files
RTTY Monitor
User's manual

0.10 (12-May-04)
AudioPipe and Cocoa wrapper for Core Audio
Crossed ellipse