What's New
Kok Chen, W7AY [w7ay (at)
arrl (dot) net]
Last updated: July 13, 2013
What has changed in v0.6 ?
(July 13, 2013)
Serial Tools now includes an NMEA tool to parse output from GPS devices.
What has changed in v0.5 ?
(November 3, 2012)
- High volume traffic through the Protocol Analyzer
caused Serial Tools to crash.
To make the Protocol Analyzer's text view thread safe, the old -termprint:color: method in Sniffer.m now runs in the main thread.
Many thanks to Charles, K4ZRJ for bringing the problem to my attention.
What has changed in v0.4 ?
(April 16, 2009)
- DTR of the DCE port in the Protocol Analyzer is now "wired" to DSR of the DTE port, and vice versa. Likewise, CTS and RTS pins are cross wired. You can manually override the automatic wiring by deselecting the Auto RTS checkbox in the Protocol Analyzer tab view.
What has changed in v0.3 ?
(April 14, 2009)
- Added Protocol Analyzer tool.
What has changed in v0.2 ?
(April 13, 2009)
- Added 57,600 bad and 230,400 baud to the Terminal emulator.
- Made the crlf checkbox action dynamic (i.e., you can change it after making a connection).
- Added Raw checkbox to print ASCII control characters as two hex digits between angle brackets.
- Save and Save As... was not updating all menu settings. They should work now.
Thanks to Steve, VA3SPH for discussions that lead to some of the changes.