Icom 64x64 IcomPanadapter_64x64 IcomRedirect_64x64

Icom 7610 Suite Downloads

Icom 7610 Applications (needs MacOS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or newer)

CI-V Redirect Installer (version 1.2) [updated June 17, 2018]

Icom Panadapter Installer (version 1.2) [updated June 17, 2018]

Discover 7610 Installer (version 1.2) [updated June 17, 2018]

Expand the disk image (dmg) file, and drag the application file to the folder where you keep your applications.

Icom 7610 Xcode project and sources

CI-V Redirect Xcode project disk image (version 1.2)

Icom Panadapter Xcode project disk image (version 1.2)

Discover 7610 Xcode project disk image (version 1.2)

Requires Xcode 7.3 or newer.